Predators and prey

Each day we can take note of the fact that in our society the existence of predators and prey among human beings is considered perfectly natural, as is the fact that predators may actually enjoy greater consideration, socially, than their victims. There is one small detail to consider, however: that we are not wolves or hyenas, but human beings. And among human beings, laws that are different from the callous law of the jungle may - and perhaps should - exist. The Vampire bases his power on this crucial uncertainty regarding the fundamental rights of man.

The Vampire needs Life, since his prey is vital energy, energy that pulsates and flows, that comes from an invisible source, and that reveals itself through vitality, joy, enthusiasm, love, faith, affection, harmony, and things which are sensitive. Feelings. These are the delicacies that make the Vampire quiver and excite his hunger.

Our instinct as members of the human race, and not that of beasts, knows very well what vital energy is; it knows that it is that strength which allows us to progress, which sustains life, and which, for that reason, is sacred. To freely give energy to the things in life is a very different matter from accepting the theft of that energy.

What's more, one of the worst farces of the vampiric game is that the predator has a very high probability of transforming his victims into Vampires, since a person who is brutally deprived of his vital force will be led to do the same thing to other innocent victims, thus deluding himself that he is restoring the energy which is rightfully his. The parent-Vampire cannot help but transform his children into Vampires, and the partner-, friend-, colleague-Vampire will take energy away from his partner by pressuring that person to use his vampiric arts with still others, or else he will select with that partner those areas in which the latter may be a predator and those in which he must make himself his prey.

The pirate, the barbarian, the violent brute focus exclusively on material wealth and have no scruples about physically annihilating the human beings who come between them and their spoils. The Vampire, on the other hand, although he does not disdain material benefits in the least, focuses most of all on the wealth of energy possessed by living beings, and plans to sustain himself on it forever.

Men and Vampires: a struggle for survival

The most paradoxical thing about this absurd game is that the Vampire who has taken energy from his fellow man cannot make use of it in any way: his is a compulsory action, which may gain him some satisfaction, often material benefits, and sometimes access to forms of power, but it is in no way able to fill his energetic vacuum, his eternal hunger. The Vampire is therefore a being profoundly bound by delusion: he deludes himself that by impoverishing others he finally exists, but the greatest result he achieves when all goes well - which is almost always - is that others enter into the delusion and convince themselves that he exists. But he doesn't exist at all. He's only a deluded man who allows himself the luxury of calling others "deluded", and often proposes himself as an example of concreteness, pragmatism and positivism. Instead, he is more and more an absolute Nothing. A Nothing that wants to dominate.

The cohabitation between Vampires and human beings will never be peaceable: either we identify and isolate the vampiric phenomenon, or we are destined to succumb to it. This is exactly what is happening in reality, under everyone's eyes, but without anyone being aware of it.

The Anti Vampire Center wants to lead us to discover aspects and dimensions of daily reality which had unsuspectedly escaped our awareness, by pointing out how widespread the phenomenon of vampirism is, and by emphasizing that its vast diffusion and the fact that it is so much a part of reality are not enough to make it legitimate.




Copyright ©2001 Mario Corte