The Vampire's "gift of power"

The Vampire is not a free being. He is a creature who lives with delusion, who thinks he is acting on his own behalf and in his own exclusive interest, while in reality he is acting on behalf of the forces of Nothingness or, for those who look at things from a religious standpoint, on behalf of the forces of Evil. He is therefore subject to rigid rules: when stealing energy he must give his victim something in exchange that will give him the impression that he is being compensated, something that renders him in some way consenting, in spite of himself. Naturally it's a "gift of power", such as, the attention or complicity of the predator himself, an anesthetic oblivion when faced with painful events, the acquisition of the ability to lie shamelessly or lead others to believe something, or an illusory sense of security that allows one to overcome fear, anxiety and panic in various situations in life.

It is therefore very important to try to understand which gifts we personally acquire when we let Vampires rob us of our energy, because in accepting those gifts we are deliberately adhering to their world, transforming ourselves into donors of vital energy to benefit Nothingness. On the other hand, the ability to clearly comprehend which gifts we receive each time affords us the possibility of resisting their influence and refusing them, thereby reducing the Vampire's range.

The Vampire's war against the innocent/powerful

The fact that each of us finds it natural to adhere - to a greater or lesser degree according to our own personal background - to this process is a consequence of the enormous diffusion of the vampiric phenomenon. The stressful, mechanical way of life of this historical time results in a relentless attempt at reciprocal thefts of energy, without anyone, victim or destroyer, being fully aware of it.

When someone, consciously or instinctively, withdraws from the process, refusing to adhere to requests for complicity, to the winking and the "we understand each other's" with which the Vampire binds his victims, when someone shows that he is not willing to let his energy be robbed or to rob energy from others, he is immediately branded as an alien being: he's not like the others, he's different, he's "strange". At first he is singled out as an idiot with a tendency toward self-destruction, then conversely as an astute, untrustworthy weaver of occult plots... In any case, someone whom it is best to isolate.

Such an individual has dared to violate the Vampire's laws, by projecting the figure of an innocent/powerful one. This makes the Vampire scream "heresy", since for him the world is divided into two types of people: either one is innocent (prey/victims) or one is powerful (predators/Vampires). The former must serve as food for the latter, and the latter must dominate. This is the Vampire's law. This is the law that the Anti Vampire Center advises we not accept.




Copyright ©2001 Mario Corte